Home page of group "aplteam"

The group aplteam is owned by Kai Jaeger.

It was originally associated with APL Team Ltd, a company I used during my 15-year-stay in the United Kingdom, before Brexit drove me back to Germany.

The company has ceased to exist, but the group continues to be used for Dyalog APL-related projects on GitHub, therefore it is also used as group name for Tatin packages.

Packages owned by "aplteam"

Package name Description OS UC*
aplteam-ADOC Automated generation of documentation Lin, Mac, Win Yes
aplteam-APLGit2 Git interface from Dyalog APL via Git Bash Lin, Mac, Win Yes
aplteam-APLGUI Collection of GUI utilities Win
aplteam-APLProcess Start an APL process from within Dyalog APL Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-APLTreeUtils2 General utilities required by most members of the APLTree library Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-Cider A project manager for Dyalog APL that cooperates with Tatin Lin, Mac, Win Yes
aplteam-CodeBrowser Tool useful for code reviews Lin, Mac, Win Yes
aplteam-CodeCoverage Monitors which parts of an application got actually executed Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-CommTools Communication tools for interactions in the session: YesOrNo and Select Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-Compare Allows comparing and merging objects in the workspace with a file or a file with another file Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-CompareFiles Cover for comparison utilities Lin, Mac, Win Yes
aplteam-CompareGUI GUI for the Compare class Win Yes
aplteam-CompareSimple Allows comparing objects in the workspace with a file or a file with another file Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-DateAndTime Utilities related to Date and Time, including doing math Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-DotNetZip Zipping and unzipping with.NET Core on all major platforms Win
aplteam-EventCodes Constants with meaningful names for Dyalog error codes Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-Execute Start a process from within APL Win
aplteam-FilesAndDirs Utilities for doing gymnastics with files and directories Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-GitHubAPIv3 Utilities for dealing with GitHub repositories Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-HandleError Allows to catch errors on an application level; saves information useful to analyze the error Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-HashPasswords Salting and hashing passwords Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-IniFiles Allows instantiating good old INI files in APL; comes with extended syntax supporting APL-like data structures Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-Inno Run the Inno Setup compiler on a particular script in order to create a setup.exe Win
aplteam-Laguntza Managing and displaying help pages based on markdown files Win
aplteam-Latest Lists APL objects by change date/time Lin, Mac, Win Yes
aplteam-ListObjects Lists all APL objects Lin, Mac, Win Yes
aplteam-Logger Allows writing to LOG files; (almost) guaranteed to never break the application Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-MakeHelpers Collections of helpers for building an application Lin, Mac, Win Yes
aplteam-MarkAPL Converts Markdown to HTML5 Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-OS OS-related tools for all major platforms Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-PresentAPL Create a presentation from Markdown Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-ServiceState Interface between the Windows SCM (Service Control Manager) and applications running as a service Win
aplteam-SevenZip Zip files with the Open Source tool 7Zip Win
aplteam-ShowChmHelp Display CHM files under program control (Windows only) Win
aplteam-SMTP SMTP client for sending emails from within Dyalog APL Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-Snippets Manage APL-code snippets Lin, Mac, Win Yes
aplteam-Tester2 Dyalog APL test framework Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-WindowsEventLog Tools to read from and write to the Windows Event Log Win
aplteam-WinReg Tools for dealing with the Windows Registry Win
aplteam-WinRegSimple Limited set of tools for dealing with the Windows Registry Lin, Mac, Win
aplteam-WinSCP_NET Interface between Dyalog and the WINSCP .NET DLL Win
aplteam-WinSys Windows-only OS calls and system infos Win
aplteam-ZipArchive Zipping and unzipping with .NET on Windows and zip/unzip on other platforms Lin, Mac, Win

* UC means "User Command"

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