Tatin Registry
Details of latest package for <aplteam-APLGit> of major version 0
api: "API",
assets: "",
date: 20221125.193503,
deprecateComment: "see https://github.com/aplteam/APLGit2 instead",
deprecated: 1,
description: "Git interface from Dyalog APL via Git Bash",
documentation: "",
files: "",
group: "aplteam"
io: 1,
license: "MIT",
lx: "InitializeAPLGit",
maintainer: "Kai Jaeger <kai@aplteam.com>",
minimumAplVersion: "18.0",
ml: 1,
name: "APLGit",
os_lin: 1,
os_mac: 1,
os_win: 1,
project_url: "https://github.com/aplteam/APLGit",
source: "APLGit/",
tags: "apl-git-interface",
version: "0.25.0",